Hamro Health

Program Review: Eye Vision Screening and Awareness Program Campion Kathmandu Secondary School

Student Health


The eye vision screening and awareness program was conducted in Campion Kathmandu Secondary School from 4th Poush to 6th Poush 2080. The program has two different sessions comprising general eye vision screening session and eye health awareness session. The program was facilitated by two optometrists, Ms. Ashi Lakher and Ms. Rina Chaudhary.


Day 1: General Eye Health Awareness Session

The eye health awareness session was provided to the students from PG to Grade 10. The awareness session provided the knowledge to students regarding eye health, ways to maintain healthy eye vision, the importance of eye vision testing, and sensitization on negative impacts of lifestyle behaviors on eye health (excessive use of mobile phones, television and so on). The awareness session was facilitated by the optometrist aimed to enhance the students’ knowledge of eye health and promote healthy behavior through sensitization. Two optometrists were present on the day of eye vision awareness. The session was conducted on 4th Poush 2080.

Day 2 and 3: Eye Vision Screening Sessions

The general eye vision testing of the students was conducted to assess their eye vision status. Altogether 212 students of the schools were systematically examined to identify any problems in their eye health. The eye vision test of students from Grade PG to Grade 7 were conducted on Day 2 whereas the eye vision screening of students from Garde 8 to Grade 10. The eye-vision testing session was also facilitated by optometrists on the 5th and 6th Poush 2080. The report of the students’ eye vision test was sent to parents on the same day via students.

2.1 Visual Acuity

Visual acuity refers to the clarity or sharpness of a person’s vision, specifically their ability to see details at a given distance. In an eye vision screening, visual acuity is typically measured using a Snellen chart, which contains rows of letters or symbols of varying sizes. The individual is asked to read the letters from a certain distance, and their ability to correctly identify the smallest, sharpest line determines their visual acuity. The results are recorded as a fraction, where the numerator represents the testing distance and the denominator represents the distance at which a person with normal vision could read the same line. For example, if someone has 20/20 vision, it means they can read at 20 feet what a person with normal vision can read at 20 feet, indicating normal visual acuity.

2.2 Refraction

Refraction is the process of determining any refractive errors in a person’s eyes, such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), or astigmatism. These errors cause light to focus improperly on the retina, leading to blurred vision. During an eye vision screening, a refraction test is performed to assess the need for corrective lenses (glasses or contact lenses) to improve vision. An optometrist or ophthalmologist uses a phoropter or retinoscope to test the eyes’ ability to focus on objects at different distances and prescribes the appropriate lens power to correct any refractive errors.

2.3 Ocular Motility

Ocular motility refers to the ability of the eyes to move smoothly and accurately, enabling coordinated eye movements to track objects and shift focus from one point to another. In an eye vision screening, ocular motility is assessed by observing eye movements in different directions, including up, down, left, and right, as well as diagonal movements. Proper ocular motility is crucial for clear and comfortable vision, especially during activities that involve reading, following moving objects, or maintaining eye contact during conversations.

2.4 Anterior Segment

The anterior segment of the eye includes structures at the front of the eye, such as the cornea, iris, and lens. During an eye vision screening, the anterior segment is examined to detect any abnormalities or conditions that may affect vision. This examination may involve the use of a slit lamp, a specialized microscope that allows the examiner to view the front structures of the eye in detail. The anterior segment assessment helps identify issues like corneal scratches, cataracts, and other anterior segment disorders that can impact vision and require further evaluation and treatment by an eye specialist.

4. Conclusion

Eye vision screening and awareness program was successfully conducted at the school with involvement of health professionals, school authorities, teachers and students. The program is expected to enhance students’ awareness of eye health and encourage proactive behaviors in seeking eye health services. Emphasizing a comprehensive approach to eye health is crucial for maintaining students’ overall eye well-being. In conclusion, the eye vision screening and awareness program delivered significant benefits to participants and the community. Through comprehensive assessments including visual acuity, refraction tests, ocular motility, and anterior segment examinations, various vision issues were identified and addressed earliest time, allowing for timely interventions and referrals to eye specialists when needed. The program instilled a sense of responsibility and awareness in parents, teachers, and students regarding the importance of regular eye check-ups and vision care. Through interactive awareness sessions, students were sensitized, promoting proactive measures for their eye health which is anticipated to positively impact academic performance and overall well-being.

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Being healthy is not only crucial for physical well-being but also plays a pivotal role in academic success and overall life satisfaction. By prioritizing their health, students can reap a multitude of benefits, including enhanced cognitive function, reduced stress, improved time management, heightened concentration, and a strengthened immune system. Moreover, a healthy lifestyle promotes social and emotional well-being, boosts self-esteem and confidence, and enriches the overall educational experience.

Educational institutions and society, in general, must recognize the significance of health in a student’s life and create environments that support and encourage healthy habits. By fostering a culture of wellness and promoting the integration of health initiatives into the academic curriculum, we can equip students with the tools they need to achieve better in their studies and lead fulfilling lives beyond the classroom. Ultimately, the synergy between health and academic success empowers students to become well-rounded individuals, ready to thrive in both their studies and future endeavors.