Hamro Health

Program Review: Psychological First Aid training of Teachers at Goldengate International College.

Student Health


In response to the increasing recognition of mental health concerns among students and the imperative of a supportive educational environment, Hamro Health initiated a comprehensive program with the objective of providing Psychological First Aid (PFA) training to educators at GoldenGate International College. This training session was organized by Hamro Health upon the college’s request. The implementation of PFA training aimed to better equip teachers to offer immediate emotional support, identify signs of distress, provide suitable referrals, and cultivate a conducive atmosphere for students’ mental well-being.



The primary goals of the program were as follows: To equip teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide initial assistance to students undergoing emotional distress, trauma, or crisis. By the program’s conclusion, participants would possess the ability to identify signs of distress, offer immediate aid, and guide students toward appropriate resources for further assistance.


The Psychological First Aid Training program had several key objectives:

  • Enhancing Teachers Capacity: Educators would establish a foundational understanding of psychological first aid techniques, enabling them to extend immediate emotional support to students facing crises.
  • Identifying Warning Signs: Teachers would acquire the ability to identify indications of emotional distress, facilitating timely interventions and support.
  • Reducing Stigma: The program aims to establish an environment where discourse about mental health concerns is normalized and seeking help is actively encouraged.
  • Promoting a Supportive Environment: Educators would acquire the knowledge necessary to foster a classroom atmosphere that prioritizes emotional well-being and open communication.
  • Providing Referrals: Teachers would gain the confidence to offer informed referrals to mental health professionals when students require specialized assistance.


The program was expertly facilitated by Mr. Pramesh Man Pradhan, a Clinical Psychologist at the Institute of Medicine (IOM), Tribhuvan University.

Venue: GoldenGate International College

Date: 19th, August 2023 (Saturday)

Program Sessions: Two sessions (1st session: 10 AM to 12 PM, 2nd Session: 2 PM to 4 PM)

Participants: The first session involved a total of 15 participants, while the second session had 9 participants.

Program Structure

The program consisted of two sessions, each featuring a series of training modules. These sessions were led by a mental health professional with expertise in both psychological first aid and classroom dynamics. The sessions covered a diverse range of topics across six modules:

  1. Module 1: Understanding PFA: This module explored the principles of Psychological First Aid (PFA), the responsibilities educators hold in delivering PFA, and the significance of nurturing emotional well-being within the classroom. The module also incorporated a 2-minute deep breathing exercise to equip teachers with techniques they could employ with their own students.
  2. Module 2: Recognizing Signs of Distress: This module delved into recognizing signs of emotional distress in students, distinguishing between regular stress and crisis scenarios, analyzing case studies, engaging in group discussions, and sharing relevant teacher experiences.
  3. Module 3: Responding to Emotional Distress: The instructor imparted insights into techniques for active listening, rapport-building, empathy demonstration, emotion validation, and reassurance. Teachers actively contributed their perspectives during this session.
  4. Module 4: Communication and Self-care: This module began with discussions about personal self-care practices, transitioning into proficient communication strategies for supporting distressed students. This encompassed understanding personal boundaries and limits and providing self-care recommendations for teachers to effectively manage their own well-being.
  5. Module 5: Referring to Professional Help: This module covered the identification of situations requiring professional intervention, acquainting participants with the school’s counseling and support services, and furnishing guidelines for appropriate referrals. Teachers also engaged in discussions about recognizing cases necessitating referrals.
  6. Module 6: This module encompassed the implementation of stress reduction techniques in the classroom and the promotion of an empathetic and mutually supportive culture among students. Following the module’s completion, a stress management exercise was conducted.

The program culminated in an interactive session discussing stress identification, self-care strategies, and stress management techniques. This phase involved addressing participants’ inquiries, concerns, and collecting feedback to ensure a comprehensive learning experience. The session concluded by expressing gratitude to the trainer and awarding certificates of participation to the participants. This final act acknowledged the collaborative efforts of both the trainer and participants in fostering an enriching learning journey.


The program consisted of two sessions, each featuring a series of training modules. These sessions were led by a mental health professional with expertise in both psychological first aid and classroom dynamics. The sessions covered a diverse range of topics across six modules:

  1. Module 1: Understanding PFA: This module explored the principles of Psychological First Aid (PFA), the responsibilities educators hold in delivering PFA, and the significance of nurturing emotional well-being within the classroom. The module also incorporated a 2-minute deep breathing exercise to equip teachers with techniques they could employ with their own students.
  2. Module 2: Recognizing Signs of Distress: This module delved into recognizing signs of emotional distress in students, distinguishing between regular stress and crisis scenarios, analyzing case studies, engaging in group discussions, and sharing relevant teacher experiences.
  3. Module 3: Responding to Emotional Distress: The instructor imparted insights into techniques for active listening, rapport-building, empathy demonstration, emotion validation, and reassurance. Teachers actively contributed their perspectives during this session.
  4. Module 4: Communication and Self-care: This module began with discussions about personal self-care practices, transitioning into proficient communication strategies for supporting distressed students. This encompassed understanding personal boundaries and limits and providing self-care recommendations for teachers to effectively manage their own well-being.
  5. Module 5: Referring to Professional Help: This module covered the identification of situations requiring professional intervention, acquainting participants with the school’s counseling and support services, and furnishing guidelines for appropriate referrals. Teachers also engaged in discussions about recognizing cases necessitating referrals.
  6. Module 6: This module encompassed the implementation of stress reduction techniques in the classroom and the promotion of an empathetic and mutually supportive culture among students. Following the module’s completion, a stress management exercise was conducted.

The program culminated in an interactive session discussing stress identification, self-care strategies, and stress management techniques. This phase involved addressing participants’ inquiries, concerns, and collecting feedback to ensure a comprehensive learning experience. The session concluded by expressing gratitude to the trainer and awarding certificates of participation to the participants. This final act acknowledged the collaborative efforts of both the trainer and participants in fostering an enriching learning journey.


The culmination of the Psychological First Aid (PFA) training program marked a successful milestone in creating a mentally supportive educational environment. The program effectively equipped educators with crucial skills and knowledge, resulting in transformative shifts in their perspectives and practices. Positive feedback from participants highlighted the program’s value, fostering increased awareness of students’ emotional well-being. The desire for similar sessions for students showcased the program’s potential to initiate positive change. The words of a participant underscored the newfound understanding and commitment to students’ emotional needs. This program exemplifies education’s power to create compassionate communities. Gratitude was extended to participants, the dedicated trainer, and supporters, emphasizing the ongoing dedication to prioritize students’ mental well-being for a brighter future.

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Being healthy is not only crucial for physical well-being but also plays a pivotal role in academic success and overall life satisfaction. By prioritizing their health, students can reap a multitude of benefits, including enhanced cognitive function, reduced stress, improved time management, heightened concentration, and a strengthened immune system. Moreover, a healthy lifestyle promotes social and emotional well-being, boosts self-esteem and confidence, and enriches the overall educational experience.

Educational institutions and society, in general, must recognize the significance of health in a student’s life and create environments that support and encourage healthy habits. By fostering a culture of wellness and promoting the integration of health initiatives into the academic curriculum, we can equip students with the tools they need to achieve better in their studies and lead fulfilling lives beyond the classroom. Ultimately, the synergy between health and academic success empowers students to become well-rounded individuals, ready to thrive in both their studies and future endeavors.